Ear Cleanings
Dirty ears are bothersome and can be difficult to manage. Here's how to prevent excess buildup of debris and keep those ears squeaky clean.
The Basics
What to Know Before an Ear Cleaning
Anatomy of the Ear
Prior to any procedure on the body, it is important to know what structures you are working with. While a majority of the ear canal is visible simply from looking inside the pinna (the external visible flap of the pet's ear), there are some important anatomy deeper in the canal that should be discussed prior to a cleaning. Check out the links below to investigate the complete anatomy of the ear further.
​The Right Tool(s) for the Job
Ear cleaner: Picking a beneficial ear cleaner for you pet and their needs is important. Is it being used as a maintenance cleaner? Will it be used only for debris buildup? Does your pet have chronic ear concerns? Do they swim frequently? All of these can change the recommendation for the appropriate cleaner. We will link some general recommendations. Please reach out by phone or email to the clinic if you would like to confirm that this is the right choice for your pet.
Cotton balls: Regular sized cotton balls are usually large enough for any ear to remove debris. For small dogs/cats they can even be torn in half to maneuver into the ear canal with ease.
Towel: Your pet will likely shake their head, and this process can be messy. Plan ahead and have a towel nearby for quick cleanup.
*Optional* Gloves: The odor that can come with dirty ears is not everyone's 'cup of tea'. To avoid this, grab a pair of gloves, which is a choice that many of our staff elect to do to prevent smelling like dirty ears all day.
How To
The Process
Pick a location: Routine ear cleanings are commonly well tolerated for most pets. Sensitivities can be noted when irritation or infection is present, or if this is a process the pet is not familiar with. Be cautious with any procedure you are completing at home and make sure to keep both yourself and your pet safe. Commonly ear cleanings can be easily completed during a bath, in the bathroom, after a swim in a lake/pond, or really any location (as long as you don't mind the mess).
Complete the cleaning: See 'The Cleaning' for full instructions. Be aware that liquid in a pet's ears will cause them to want to shake their head. This is helpful after the solution is massaged around the ear canal to remove debris, however can send debris flying all over the room in the process.
Positive one-on-one time after the cleaning: Creating a positive environment for any task you would like to complete regularly with your pet is important. Taking them for a walk, playing with a toy, or providing an exciting puzzle toy or treat afterwards will help to re-enforce the all around upbeat and comforting environment we hope to create. ​
​​Keep us in the loop! We want to know what is working for your pets (as well as what isn't). Every pet is different and we would be happy to talk through additional options, or even schedule a demonstration in clinic if you would be interested.
The Cleaning
Apply ear cleaning solution into the ear canal: There are two ways to successfully achieve this. If tolerated, the bottle can be placed at the base of the ear and the solution can be gently squeezed until solution is visible indicating that the canal is sufficiently filled for step two. Our recommendation would instead be to soak a cotton ball (or half of a cotton ball if completing on a small dog/cat) with the solution and place that into the ear. This prevents cross contamination, if an infection were to be present in either ear.
Massage the base of the ear canal: Once the solution/cotton ball is present in the ear, you can then GENTLY massage the base of the vertical ear canal between thumb and pointer/middle fingers. This motion will help to agitate the solution around in the ear and work loose any debris that may be present deeper in the canal. Solution may leak out of the ear, have a towel prepared on the ground to help with cleanup and prevent a mess for your pet to possibly step in.
Allow pet to shake their head: After massaging the solution, many pets will naturally prefer to shake their head to remove the solution. Allowing this to occur can also help to shake out deeper debris that would otherwise be difficult to remove. If using a cotton ball, please make sure that you are able to find it after the shake to confirm it is not still present in the ear canal. Placing a hand towel over their head can also control the amount of debris/solution that gets dispersed when they shake.
Wipe remaining debris out with dry cotton balls: After shaking, a majority of the solution/larger debris will be removed. To remove the remaining debris cotton balls can either be gently massaged dry in the ear canal to pick up remaining debris or wiped along the visible canal/outer pinna of the ear as needed. As a cotton ball becomes dirty, discard and use a new one, it would not be beneficial to re-disperse debris back into the ear. We do not recommend the use of cotton swabs at home for ear cleanings.
Interested in having an ear cleaning completed but not comfortable doing it at home?
Reach out to our groomers to see what they can do for your pet!
Grooming: 608-767-1404